Tagged with Facebook

The next big thing for social networks. Facebook timeline for pages!

The biggest news right now has to be #fMC’s announcement of Facebook timeline for pages.This being the first Facebook Marketing Conference has unquestionably hit social media industry with force. Today Facebook began its roll out of the new Timeline design for Pages. Brands and businesses now have access to a host of new features which … Continue reading

Stumbled Upon

Not a new social network but new to my portfolio of them. I just stumbled upon the site while doing some of my regular blog trawling and decided it’s worth getting on track. So I signed up, and took the visual personality test.  The results are uncanny – I couldn’t believe how on the ball they were! … Continue reading

current state of being

Shjo. What a day. Since joining the extremely passionate and super motivated DigitLab team I have literally been nonstop. But that’s good.  I like being busy and I like new challenges and DigitLab definitely offers many of those, but I am learning A LOT and really thriving in this new state of being I find … Continue reading

thinking out the box.

Personalities are peculiar things. They say that the first 5 years of your life are crucial to the development of your personality. So based on that one could say that personalities are circumstantial? What about horoscopes? Does being born on a certain day, in a certain month, when the moon, sun and stars are in … Continue reading

F-commerce takes off in SA.

So did you get up at the crack of dawn to get your free wimpy breakfast this morning? No surprise that I didn’t but driving into work I did hear it being discussed at large on various radio stations. They too shared my sentiment of not fully understanding the fascination and dedication of people to … Continue reading